It can be tempting to take a break in the summer and press pause on your energetic practices and wellness. It’s essential to remember that energy in motion stays in motion. Consistency is key which means that there is a benefit to sticking with at least some of your practices if you are looking to feel less stressed and more at ease as we move into the fall season.
As many of you have experienced, when we are feeling our best our energy is clear, fluid and in motion. This allows us to have more clarity and confidence when it comes to making decisions and overcoming challenges. On the other hand, when energy becomes stuck and stagnant we begin to feel indecisive, overwhelmed, stressed and at times stuck. When it comes to keeping our energy in motion, we can use simple practices that you can work into your daily routine without allocating extra time in your already busy schedules.
It’s possible to enjoy summer to the fullest as well as staying on track with your wellness with these quick and easy practices that will help you feel more presence and ease:
1.Heart Space Tapping
There are many different types of tapping that you can explore to assist energy flow throughout the body. In my own journey and work with clients, I’ve found that intuitive movement works best! The heart space is an area of the body where energy can collect and become stagnant (think of the lungs as an open space). That’s why taking a few minutes to intuitively tap in the heart space area can help stagnant energy start to move and decrease feelings of anxiety or sadness that tend to live in that area.
2. Gentle Movement
When energy becomes stagnant adding in any kind of movement helps to get everything flowing again. This could be as simple as doing shoulder raises at your desk at work or popping outside for a short walk (nature always gives bonus benefits).
3. Focus on the Breath
The Breath is a simple way to help move energy as well as emotions. We can add in visualization as another layer to the practice as well.
Chakra Breathing: start by imagining breathing up and down the central channel, sushumna nadi,which is from the bottom of your spine to the crown of your head. As you breath in, visualize new energy coming in and as you exhale imagine cleansing old energy and emotions from your chakra system.
Box Breathing: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat this cycle a few times.
Mindful Pause: (my personal favorite): pausing to take deep breaths during the day to reconnect with your body.
4. Energy Clearing
A lot of times when we think of energy clearing, we only think of clearing as a way to get rid of “negative” energy. Although this is true, energy clearing techniques can also be used to move stagnant energy or even energy that is no longer serving us. In this way, energy clearing can serve a broader purpose.
Brush it off: Physically dusting off energy when you feel heavy or stagnant can help the
energy start to move. You may notice new ideas or more clarity on decisions you are
making once the energy starts to shift. This can be paired with any of the other practices
to aid in increased energy flow.
5. Energetic Nourishment
Energetic Nourishment is important on all levels. When we think about nourishment we usually think of food. When it comes to food, it’s important to consider the energetics of what you are eating (in addition to other qualities as well). According to Ayurveda it’s important to eat seasonal, fresh, local, organic food when possible. This means that eating what’s local and seasonal will help to keep energy light and mobile and in balance with seasonal energetics. Along this same line, hydration is also very important to help our body move energy and flush out anything that we no longer need.
Energetic nourishment goes beyond just food and hydration, it’s also essential to look at what and how much we are consuming through watching tv, scrolling through social media, what types of conversations and groups we are engaging with etc. Simple tweaks in these areas like setting a timer on your phone for social media or not watching murder mysteries before bed can help to create less of a stress response in your energy system.
By incorporating these simple practices into your daily routine, you can keep your energy flowing, reduce stress, and enjoy greater clarity and ease during this busy season. Start with one or two of these tips and gradually build them into your routine for lasting benefits. Even though we may be tempted to abandon our practices during this time of year, it;s much easier to adjust to simple practices, so once the fall rolls around you will be closer to reaching your goals and not have to overcome the challenge of starting from scratch this fall.
Ready to work on your wellness goals?