The energetics of January call for more stillness and reflection, a stark contrast from the busy months of November and December. It’s a moment to prioritize the qualities of slow, heavy and static.
This means when we use this time to reflect and set intentions we should start by being mindful of this soft and slow energetic vs. throwing ourselves all into our at times many overzealous intentions of doing for the year. We tend to be in the habit of doing and creating intentions to do more and do it better. I remember years where I would have at least 10 intentions of “doing” things and it would turn out to be absolutely exhausting and in my case - completely unattainable.
How would it feel to start the year slow and mindful? To give yourself the time and space you truly crave to figure out what you want to put your energy towards this year. Maybe this year instead of setting intentions to do, what if you set intentions to just be - to cultivate more peace, joy, balance or boundaries? If this resonates with you here are some ways to reflect & set intentions while staying in tune with seasonal energetics.
Step one: Reflect
Energy Clearing: We always want to make sure we are energetically clear before we embark on any type of reflection or intention setting. I’m sure you already have some favorite techniques but here are a few of my favorites to try out before you get started reflecting:
Energy Massage: a mix of my favorite Reflexology and Accupressure point sequences to help ground and calm the nervous system: https://youtu.be/G9mNXvEKNl4
Selenite: one of my favorite clearing crystals. You can keep this crystal near you or even put it through your energy field to clear out any unwanted stuff that’s been hanging around.
Brushing off the Body: use your hands to brush off your body with the intention of letting go of anything that is no longer serving you.
Grounding Meditation: A short 3 min meditation to come back to your body and calm the mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxxVKDzzplg
Journaling: If you don’t like to write - you can use whatever kind of medium you like to help you look back on last year.
Take a moment to think about 2023. What were your biggest accomplishments? What were the moments you treasured the most? What brought you the most joy or peace ( maybe both!)?
Spend some time reflecting back and you may be surprised what the highlights were and how simple it may be to incorporate more of that into the new year.
Gratitude: The next step is being able to look back and have gratitude for all that 2023 brought - the good, bad and the ugly- In hindsight it’s easier for us to see the lessons and good in what didn’t seem so great in the moment. It’s important to remember as we embark on this new year that having gratitude and trust is the first step to opening ourselves up to all that’s meant for us this year.
Step two: Setting Intentions for Less Doing & More Being
What if our intentions could simplify our lives instead of adding in all kinds of extra work and effort?
Intention Setting: Ask yourself what you would like to cultivate more of in the new year- joy, balance, or clarity and here’s the hard part: Choose one.I never like to choose one, but one is the true answer to the simplicity our body, mind and soul crave because what we don’t need is more stress, overwhelm and confusion.
If you happen to be the very motivated type, no worries, you can always set more as the year goes on. Perhaps you chose the intention of bringing in more joy. The great news is that it can be done in only a few minutes a day and in a many different ways to fit any of your scheduling needs.
Intention Setting Practices: Sometimes when we bring our intention into our practices we can help plant the seeds to find what truly brings in these qualities into our lives. Here are some of my favorite intention setting practices for you to try out:
Intuition Card Pulls: Our intuition never leads us the wrong way! My favorite cards to use in my intuitive endeavors is Kim Chestney’s deck - you can use it here for free online. When working with these cards, notice what calls to you first and follow that flow and see where it takes you. You might be surprised with what comes through. https://www.kimchestney.com/insight-cards
Restorative/ Yin Yoga: In a time where vigorous exercise is common, how would it feel to do the opposite? These practices help to reconnect with the body, mind and soul, a necessary element for uncovering our true heart centered intentions for the year.
Meditation: If this one seems tough - start small- try 30 sec or even a guided walking meditation. Meditation doesn’t need to happen in silence sitting crossed legged on a bolster, allow yourself to be flexible with this practice and all the others on this list.
Ayurvedic Morning & Evening Routines: Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity. The more we bring it back to the basics, the better we are able to handle the ups and downs that life throws at us. These mindful practices also remind us what we really need to thrive.
Evening Routine: https://www.solefulbeginnings.com/post/ayurvedic-evening-practices-for-better-sleep
The Breath: tuning into your breath can be one of the simplest ways to remember and embody your intention. This is a great technique to use when we start to feel caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. A simple 30 seconds can turn your day around.
These practices aid in finding your center; bringing about more clarity and balance. I believe intentions are something that we should take some time to sit with. I hope you allow yourself all of the flexibility and grace when you set intentions for 2024!
If you are looking for a community practices to help with your reflections and intention setting make sure to check out my Prioritize you January program (every Tuesday at 6:00pm starting 1/9/24): https://www.solefulbeginnings.com/prioritizeyou2024